Registered as a Section 21 Company with number 1958/001255/08, NPO Number 028-642, The resort proudly displays its 3rd Grading Star, first awarded in January 2009.
The resort perimeter is securely fenced with two entrances to the property both operated with qualified security guards. The units are situated right on the beach front of the Port Edward Town, separated by the beach road only. This perfecting almost 80 % of the resort units with a sea view.
With holiday accommodation ranging from 2 to 6 sleepers, 2x 7 sleepers, 3 guesthouses and 3 units designed to accommodate people with disabilities, all units are self-catering and are equipped with bedding, kitchen utensils, crockery, television, bath towels, a stove, a fridge complete with freezing space and an outdoor braai area.
The wheelchair friendly units for people with disabilities have been upgraded to the complete standards met with the UA Tourism Grading Council. This was made possible with the generous donations from CADSAPS – “ Comfort, Assistance and Disable Care Fund of the SAPS”
The guesthouses boasts, plasma televisions, lounge suites and a sleeper couch in the living room and air-conditioned in selected rooms.
The caravan park consists of 21 electrified caravan- and/or tent sites with, an ablution block, wash up area, a braai lapa and individual braai facilities at each site. The caravan park is situated right next to the swimming pool and close to the beach exit, some with a minimal sea view. Caravan Park available in high season and on prior arrangement for group bookings.
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